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- Subjects: PE
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Subjects: PE
Every class from Foundation to Year 6 receives two PE lessons per week, usually comprising of one indoor and one outdoor lesson.
We follow a sequential, developmental curriculum that progressively builds on past experiences and incorporates new experiences when children are ready. Lessons are not simply selected randomly with no obvious connections to past and future lessons, or just as a way to keep children “busy, happy or good” for 60 minutes. They are based on fundamental skills as well as game-based skills.
As a school we use the app 'Primary PE Passport', this app allows teachers to easily assess and monitor the progress of each individual within the curriculum.
"Leaders ensure that pupils gain a good understanding of healthy lifestyles. They provide pupils with games and sports at lunchtime. The curriculum ensures that pupils learn about the importance of a healthy diet and exercise. Pupils also take part in the 'daily mile', which provides additional opportunities to exercise" Ofsted Report, September 2018
- Behaviour - Ready Respectful Safe
- Curriculum Intent
- Homework - Satchel One
- How do we Assess?
- Inclusion
- Our Classes
- Our Curriculum
- Outdoor Learning
- Reading
- Sport and Health
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- Subjects: Computing
- Subjects: Design and Technology
- Subjects: Geography
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- Subjects: Latin
- Subjects: Maths
- Subjects: Music
- Subjects: PE
- Subjects: Religious Education
- Subjects: RSE
- Subjects: Science
- The School Library
- Thrive
- OPAL (Outdoor Play and Learning)
- Enrichment Clubs
- British Values
- Personal Development
- Year 6 Residential 2024