The Queen Emma's Way

The vision is that Queen Emma’s Primary School will be one of the best performing schools in the country, both academically and emotionally.  We want a school with a culture of compassion – where children and staff want to belong. We want to play a prominent role in the community by supporting not only our children, but their families too. We want to grow our school in size, expertise and strength. We will continue to be research informed – our decisions will be informed by research but we will do what’s right for our context. We want to continue to lead on local and national initiatives and open our doors to colleagues from other schools to share best practice. Whilst we strive for academic success, we will ensure that our pupils are emotionally and physically ready to learn.


Teaching and Learning


As part of our constant goal to raise standards, the main focus must be on the classroom where continued and sustained improvement is dependent upon improving the quality of the teaching and learning that is taking place on a daily basis.

At this school, it is our expectation that all pupils are provided with high quality learning experiences that lead to consistently high levels of pupil achievement.

We expect every teacher to be a good teacher – no child deserves less!

Our Aims

  • We aim to ensure that all pupils make progress using our ‘catch up’ and ‘keep up’ strategies.
  • We aim to use feedback to identify and close the gap between what they can currently do and what we would like them to be able to do.
  • We aim to make the right decisions, for the right reasons and influenced by evidenced based research.
  • We aim to provide an inclusive environment for all of our pupils.
  • We recognise and celebrate the achievements of our pupils.
  • We aim to establish and maintain an effective partnership with parents and the wider community
  • We aim to learn from each other, through the adoption of a collaborative, enquiry based approach to teaching and learning, where good practice is frequently shared.                       

“Leaders, governors and the trust have worked together effectively since the last inspection, which took place prior to the school converting to academy status. They have successfully developed a strong ethos and culture, where all staff have contributed to bringing about significant improvements to teaching, pupils’ behaviour and outcomes.” Ofsted 2018


“The trust’s strong moral purpose to provide effective support for the school is lived out through its strapline and key values: ‘Motivate, Inspire, Learn, Lead’. Their focus on five big questions (Is leadership driving improvement? Is our curriculum irresistible? Are we managing resources effectively? Are we research-based? Are we ensuring equity?) is driving school improvement and leading to greater consistency across the school and the trust.” Ofsted 2018