Early Years: Olympus

Welcome to Olympus


Sunshine and Sunflowers:

Our summer 2 project is Sunshine and Sunflowers. We loved our amazing memorable experience to Cogges Farm. We made pig biscuits in the old stove in the Cogges kitchen, an Old MacDonald rhyme and puppet session and fed the goats and saw lots of animals. We did an egg hunt and loved having our packed lunches and the mini tractors and sandpit. Such a lovely day.


This seasonal project provides opportunities for outdoor learning and teaches children how to care for the plants and animals in their local environment and how to stay safe in the sun.


Our companion project will be Shadows and Reflections. This project teaches children about natural phenomena, including shadows, reflections and echoes. They explore how shadows are formed and how they can change.




Our open sessions for Olympus families have been well attended and included a stories and rhyme focus and the pizza station was a big success! We loved making Easter nests and sharing learning in our class floor books. We are hoping the weather stays warm for our Splash! session in our garden - towels are essential! We cannot wait for you to join us to share your child's learning and a range of activities linked to our new projects.





Forest School is an incredible session and enables children to develop their core strength and motor skills, be creative, learn about nature and the environment and a wealth of other opportunities. Forest School takes place on Friday mornings. The children need comfortable warm clothes that may get muddy. If you have a pair of boots please name them and send in. We have waterproof trousers.


P.E. takes place on Tuesday afternoons - the children come in wearing their sports kit.

Tapestry: Please check in regularly to access observations made in class and to see activities to support your child at home. We share Ruth Miskin videos linked to individual Read Write Inc. groups.


Learning With Parents: links are sent out weekly for home learning opportunities to share. Simply click on the link sent out by text or email - no passwords and very suer friendly. You can watch the topic video with your child and then share a hands on practical activity that is always fun. The children read five times per week at home. We have a celebration board in class and add photographs and comments regularly.

If you have any questions, please speak to Mrs Wavish or Mrs Olive.


We hold regular workshops regarding your child's learning this year. These may be whole class, small groups or individual sessions. Details are shared on Tapestry and you will be invited in at a mutually convenient time. Upcoming sessions include: maths and targeted phonic workshops and open sessions linked to our new projects.


The children are enjoying learning about the lenses in the Jane Considine FANTASTICS approach to literacy. We have been learning about We're Going on a Bear Hunt and this has provided a fantastic opportunity for language development. 

Useful websites to support maths learning at home:





Information for parents regarding 'Helicopter Stories':



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