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Film Club
Film and colouring club is every Monday during term six, this is open for all of KS1 and early years and gives the children the opportunity to sit back with their friends relax and enjoying a biscuit (or two). Colouring sheets are also out to allow children to do some colouring at their leisure. Alongside this, extra activities are provided for children to enjoy such as being able to write stories or practice some wordsearches.
The point of film and colouring club is to give our students the time to rest up after a day of working but also, it gives the children the opportunity to talk to a teacher in a relaxed environment. For example, if they want to go through any work or do some 1:1 reading with Miss Chapman.
Pupil voice for film and colouring club
"I love being in my classroom and sitting back to watch a film, it feels really fun and I look forward to it each week"
"I love film club as it gives me extra time to spend with my friends"
"It feels like i'm at the cinema because of the big screen, I love it!"
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